Thursday, 17 January 2013

Aquarius and Pisces

An Aquarius as well as a aquarius and pisces has a very open-minded attitude towards life and both of them are least likely to be judgmental about anything or anyone. This is a match which is often misjudged by the astrological press. Still they have some striking disparities. A Piscean is a compulsive dreamer and tends to see the world in the way that pleases him; on the contrary, the Aquarians are known to have a practical and logical approach towards everything in life.

But the opposite thing between them is that a Pisces is more of a dreamer and an aquarius and pisces compatibility is a practical person. Such opposite nature will bring in problems in their relationship and they will have to consciously take steps to rectify them. Aquarius deals directly with universal themes, while Pisces finds a doorway to the universal through the personal. It's hard for them to relate because they're literally on different wavelengths.

People always ask me if there is a surefire recipe to seduce their current crush or leave their outdated affairs without any residue of awkwardness.pisces and aquarius Recipes that would universally apply to every crush and worn out affair do not exist. Fortunately, however, what does exist is the Gypsy recipe for seduction and break-up that targets victims of each zodiac sign. Start familiarizing yourself with these Gypsy secrets now; you are just in time to spruce up for your summer dalliances and build reliable exit routes.

Aquarians love to be admired and dazzled, and those are the Gypsy key to seducing them. Surprise them with expert topics such as information technology or with discourses on the occult. Take them to exhibits, concerts and theatres. Immerse yourself in the current culture, but appearances are not enough; you have to be the real thing, so get cracking, and start reading. Your noble thoughts combined with your awareness of social injustices will sweep them off their feet. They adore exotic cafés, where stimulating discussions put them in their element. But don't even attempt to regulate the flow of water; your Aquarian will only slip through your fingers.

An Aquarius as well as a pisces and aquarius compatibility has a very open-minded attitude towards life and both of them are least likely to be judgmental about anything or anyone. This is a match which is often misjudged by the astrological press. Still they have some striking disparities. A Piscean is a compulsive dreamer and tends to see the world in the way that pleases him; on the contrary, the Aquarians are known to have a practical and logical approach towards everything in life.

But the opposite thing between them is that a Pisces is more of a dreamer and an Aquarius is a practical person. Such opposite nature will bring in problems in their relationship and they will have to consciously take steps to rectify them. Aquarius deals directly with universal themes, while Pisces finds a doorway to the universal through the personal. It's hard for them to relate because they're literally on different wavelengths.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

When it comes to business maters, if you are willing to co-operate, chances are you will see success. Being flexible this month will be in your favor. Legal issues will seem to run very smoothly just be sure to read the fine print. This is a wonderful time for negotiations or to make deals. Take time to reorganize and focus at the task at hand. Cross things off your list as they are completed and this will continue to motivate you. Your work or studies are a major focus this month.

You may experience praise or public recognition and this may come as a surprise to you. You have been active last month and your contributions will be recognized especially when it comes to family. Pets are happy. The stars are in your favor for planning a long awaited vacation somewhere fun! Be responsive and listen closely to what people are telling you, don't assume. A boost to your bank account may happen this month.

An Aquarius as well as a Pisces has a very open-minded attitude towards life and both of them are least likely to be judgmental about anything or anyone. This is a match which is often misjudged by the astrological press. Still they have some striking disparities. A Piscean is a compulsive dreamer and tends to see the world in the way that pleases him; on the contrary, the Aquarians are known to have a practical and logical approach towards everything in life.

But the opposite thing between them is that a Pisces is more of a dreamer and an Aquarius is a practical person. Such opposite nature will bring in problems in their relationship and they will have to consciously take steps to rectify them. Aquarius deals directly with universal themes, while Pisces finds a doorway to the universal through the personal. It's hard for them to relate because they're literally on different wavelengths click here.

Compatibility of Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman
The combination of an Aquarius man with a Pisces woman is hard to match. An Aquarius man is an analyser and a deep thinker. He will give Pisces woman good company including pleasures and excitements but unable to fulfill her innate desire of warmth and passionate relationship. A Piscean woman is very sensitive and demands a lot from an Aquarius man. But, he is not as emotional as a Piscean woman and also not bothered about the minute details. He wants a Piscean woman to enjoy the freedom like him and a Piscean woman likes to stay with him at one place only. It is difficult for them to adjust with each other.

Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man
Aquarius woman and Piscean Man would not be able to enjoy a sustained or long-term relationship. The speed at which the relation develops is same in the break-off, so everything happens in a jiffy. One of the main reasons for the short life of these relations is that both the partners seek the qualities that are elusive in both of them. The man would wish to enjoy intimate moments while the woman is outgoing and wishes to go on adventure and fun tours.

In time, Pisces and Aquarius, with compassion, consideration and understanding will discover that they have so much to learn and gain from their relationship together. This unlikely pair is a very good example of opposite attraction. Both need plenty of space to grow in unexpected directions. With the willingness to deal openly with all these differences, it could evolve into a nurturing bond.

Those who want to seduce a Pisces, must remember never to squeeze a fish: its slim and slimy body will slip out of your hands immediately. Pisces love to dramatize every moment; so brace yourself for a dramatic start and end. The key to their heart is to listen to them attentively when they speak about their cherished problems and empathize. Alcohol and organic teas help them open up tremendously. They are very attracted to the occult and art and finances (scales are also called "fish-money" in Hungarian). They love physical activities, so taking them dancing, swimming or to sporting events where they can participate is a sure bet. If it is not the season yet, esoteric bars and cafés are the best places for rendezvous.

To end your amour with a Pisces, put them on a hook; they will want to swim free immediately; as most fish, they can't stand anything that limits their movement. Also, a sudden drop in the money you lavish on them (fish-money) makes them reconsider their romance with you. Not listening to them and not empathizing with their problems, interrupting them constantly and contradicting their traditional viewpoints will also guarantee that they will leave on their own accord. Be careful though: they are extremely sensitive and are prone to see themselves as martyrs who sacrificed everything to the cold, cruel and ungrateful breaker-upper: you.

Esther Gombor, a Hungarian-born romantic, has managed to finally dispel the mysteries surrounding her own life and everyone else's who has asked for her help. She is the author of the book: Fortune Telling with Gypsy cards; Dispel the Mysteries Surrounding Life and Romance. Her fabulous guide to reading illustrated fortune telling cards is the crystallized essence of her native Hungarian culture, her extensive traveling throughout Europe and her Master's degree in Italian Medieval and Renaissance literature.

Compatibility of Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman
The combination of an Aquarius man with a Pisces woman is hard to match. An Aquarius man is an analyser and a deep thinker. He will give Pisces woman good company including pleasures and excitements but unable to fulfill her innate desire of warmth and passionate relationship. A Piscean woman is very sensitive and demands a lot from an Aquarius man. But, he is not as emotional as a Piscean woman and also not bothered about the minute details. He wants a Piscean woman to enjoy the freedom like him and a Piscean woman likes to stay with him at one place only. It is difficult for them to adjust with each other.

Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man
Aquarius woman and Piscean Man would not be able to enjoy a sustained or long-term relationship. The speed at which the relation develops is same in the break-off, so everything happens in a jiffy. One of the main reasons for the short life of these relations is that both the partners seek the qualities that are elusive in both of them. The man would wish to enjoy intimate moments while the woman is outgoing and wishes to go on adventure and fun tours.

In time, Pisces and Aquarius, with compassion, consideration and understanding will discover that they have so much to learn and gain from their relationship together. This unlikely pair is a very good example of opposite attraction. Both need plenty of space to grow in unexpected directions. With the willingness to deal openly with all these differences, it could evolve into a nurturing bond.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope

People are attracted to you because of your cheery mood. New friends may come into your circle. Situations will be light hearted and full of jokes and laughter. You may push banal chores to the side because you are having much fun right now and don't want to worry about such tasks... they will get done later. Family members may whine about you your lack of effort around the house but show them that they need to contribute to the daily chores. Delegate. Have your fun right now and let them moan.

You may be searching for a deeper meaning, you may want your life to feel more gratifying, more productive, more adventurous. This will likely naturally happen when you take things at a slower pace. Careful on the spending, you can contribute with time instead of money. Clean out the clutter and get organized, you can get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time.

Compatibility of Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman
The combination of an Aquarius man with a Pisces woman is hard to match. An Aquarius man is an analyser and a deep thinker. He will give Pisces woman good company including pleasures and excitements but unable to fulfill her innate desire of warmth and passionate relationship. A Piscean woman is very sensitive and demands a lot from an Aquarius man. But, he is not as emotional as a Piscean woman and also not bothered about the minute details. He wants a Piscean woman to enjoy the freedom like him and a Piscean woman likes to stay with him at one place only. It is difficult for them to adjust with each other.

Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man
Aquarius woman and Piscean Man would not be able to enjoy a sustained or long-term relationship. The speed at which the relation develops is same in the break-off, so everything happens in a jiffy. One of the main reasons for the short life of these relations is that both the partners seek the qualities that are elusive in both of them. The man would wish to enjoy intimate moments while the woman is outgoing and wishes to go on adventure and fun tours.

In time, Pisces and Aquarius, with compassion, consideration and understanding will discover that they have so much to learn and gain from their relationship together. This unlikely pair is a very good example of opposite attraction. Both need plenty of space to grow in unexpected directions. With the willingness to deal openly with all these differences, it could evolve into a nurturing bond check out .